CS 4810: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Spring 2015

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Final project

Due in finals week (11:59 PM Monday May 4)

You can show your final project in Olsson 011 at 7 PM on Monday May 4.

As an alternative for Assignment 3, you can implement a final project that does an interactive task of your choice with OpenGL. It is suggested but not required that you start from the same codebase as Assignment 3. The requirements are:
  1. Your project idea is approved by email by the instructor by the end of March.
  2. You implement at least as much working code as would be required for Assignment 3.
  3. Submit your code with a brief writeup explaining what you have done, and several screen-captures, by the due date (in finals week, see above).
Project ideas include, but are not limited to: The final project will be graded on a points basis, for the same total number of points as Assignment 3, and with full points as long as the above requirements are met.

Groups of up to 2 can be formed for the final project, however, a group of 2 is expected to have twice as much code and working features.

Potentially Useful Resources