CS 4501: Introduction to Computer Vision

Spring 2017

Instructor: Connelly Barnes

Course Summary

Course Description


The following textbooks are not required, but allow you to understand the course topics in greater depth. The first two hardcopy books have been placed on reserve at the Brown Science and Engineering library. The third and fourth are available online and in hardcopy.




You can bring a 8.5" by 5.5" note card (i.e. half of standard sized piece of printer paper) with notes on the front and back. Quizzes will either focus on computer vision concepts or use relatively simple mathematical manipulations.

Programming Policy

Late Policy


* Legend: FP = Forsyth and Ponce, S = Szeliski, GBC = Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville.

Final Projects Proposals

Final projects should be in groups of 3 to 4 students. The project proposal document should be no more than 1 page, and specify: Please submit your proposal document on Collab by 11:59 PM on Tuesday April 4.

Compute Facilities / Keras

For Project 3 and the final project, I have created
some notes about compute facilities and Keras installation.

Final Project Sample Topics

A separate list of sample topics has been compiled for final projects. You are by no means restricted to these topics though.

Final Project Writeup and Code

Please submit by Sun, May 7 at 11:59 PM to Collab a zip file containing your writeup and code (only one submission is needed per group). Your writeup should be 2 to 4 pages, consisting of: