CS 4810: Introduction to Computer Graphics
There will be three programming assignments, accounting for 60% of your final grade. The third programming assignment can optionally be replaced with a final project, which has the same number of points. This determination should be made by the end of March (selection of the final project topic should be made by then).
Your level of participation in class will account for the remaining 10% of your final grade.
All of the programming assignments are due at 11:59PM on the due date. You have 5 (discrete!) late days that you can use any time during the semester. After that, each late day reduces your grade by 1/2 (e.g., five late days results in 0.5^5*[original score]).
You may discuss assignments with others, but everything handed in must
be your own work. All code must be your own - you may not use code
from your classmates, the Internet, or any other source without prior
approval from the instructor. Sharing your code with anyone else or
working with someone to write code are also violations of this policy.
In situations where you have received pre-approval from the instructor
to include external sources in your solution, you must still clearly
document these sources in your final write-up.
Late Policy
Collaboration Policy
Submitting Your Work