CS 4810: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Spring 2016

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Course Summary

Lectures: TuTh 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM, Room: Mech E. 339

Instructor: Connelly Barnes (Office hours: Rice 510, Tues 11 AM to 12:30, Thurs Noon to 1 PM)

TAs: Ning Yu (Office hours: Rice 514, Thurs 2-4 PM), Fuwen Tan (Office hours: Rice 430 Desk 7, Mondays 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM)

Piazza Course Page


Course Description

This course covers the fundamentals of 2D and 3D computer graphics. This includes image processing, the modern scanline-based rendering pipeline (e.g. OpenGL), ray tracing, and animation. We will not study (and you are not required to have any experience with) graphics packages such as Maya or 3D Studio Max. You will instead come to understand the principles upon which those types of systems are based. All the software you use will be your own creation in C/C++ and you should expect to do a lot of programming.


Suggested Textbooks (copies of each are on reserve at Brown)


I gratefully acknowledge the use of slides and materials from Jason Lawrence's course at University of Virginia, Michael Kazhdan's course at Johns Hopkins University and Pieter Peer's course at the College of William and Mary, which builds on materials developed by Allison Klein, Tom Funkhouser, Adam Finkelstein, Steve Marschner, and David Dobkin.